
On Writing

Almost a month ago I had a problem. Information overload. I had filled up all my free time with audiobooks and podcasts. Every free moment I was consuming information. It was getting frustrating. My general productivity was going down as well. So I quit cold turkey.

This wasn't the first time I had done this. At first, it was uncomfortable but I got used to my company. Like meeting an old friend after a long time. The ideas just started flowing and I needed an outlet, I found one in writing.

My writing process is simple. I spend time with myself as much as I can. I let the ideas flow till I feel almost compelled to write them down. It is like the compulsion and excitement of picking up the controller of your favorite video game. Sometimes though I don't feel like writing a post but I push through and kinda get myself in that state because consistency is important.

All of this was not planned. I let myself flow with life instead of overthinking and getting in my own way. A lot of this creative stuff is undefined and weird. Yes, your process needs some essence of discipline and consistency. But you just kinda let it flow in a sense. And get out of your own way as fast as possible.

The last part sounds all woo-woo to my logical brain but this has been my experience with the art of writing so far.